There's a folder on my laptop called "Blog Pictures," taking up probably half of the occupied space on my hard drive. As I waded through all the sub-folders in search of photos for a post, I realized just how many had never seen the light of day. Despite the fact that I publish desserts I made every other week, I somehow have all these extra food posts. This was both somewhat impressive and rather concerning.
So I thought I'd share some of the sweets that I never published, for one reason or another. I didn't like the photos for some of these, found the recipe somewhat uninspiring for others, or just plain forgot.
I made this pecan pastry ring last spring, roughly adapted from these bear claws, and similarly inspired by Panera. It was lovely, but there always seemed to be something more exciting to post at the time.
Some classic lemon bars, not too different from these fabulous whole lemon bars. These guys are still in the works; I'm still looking for a perfect lemon bar recipe. (Check out my search here.)
Matcha ice cream. Good, but not great.
Peanut Butter Pretzel Brownies. The chocolate/peanut butter combination in the brownies was amazing, but I wasn't crazy about the pretzel crust. I adapted the brownie batter from Alice Medrich's amazing cocoa brownies, similar to what I used for these brownies.
Casarecce with Kale and Sausage from this summer, using The Candid Appetite's recipe.
Coconut pound cake. I fully intended to post this one. The cake was amazing; sweet, moist, coconut-y. Unfortunately, I completely winged it while making it, and never wrote down a recipe. If I manage to make it again, I'll be sure to share it with you.
Chocolate Ginger Macarons. These are from ages ago, made at the same time as these chocolate raspberry macarons. I thought that they were too similar to be worth sharing.
Citrus Frangipane Tart. Beautiful, but not that delicious. I overbaked the crust a bit, and the filling as too grainy. I used Martha Stewart's recipe, but I think this one from Dulce Delight might be more promising.
Chocolate Babka, sorta from Smitten Kitchen's recipe. Unremarkable, but that's probably due to the fact that I completely disregarded the directions for the filling.
Coconut Chai Scones: made these last spring, and meant to post it this fall since it seemed seasonal, but never got around to it. I do recommend the coconut and chai combination though!
Black and White Cookies! A fun classic using Joy the Baker's recipe, but I swapped out the glaze for a thick coat of buttercream. I had a cutesy story planned out, about our College dean and finals week, but never went through with it.
And so, enjoy, and here's to another year of dessert, published and unpublished.